Customer Service

Please see the FAQs below. If they do not answer your question please feel free to ask your question by filling out the required information on the Contact Us Page.

How will I know my order is ready for Local Pickup?
When your order is fulfilled, you will receive an email notification stating your order is ready. Pickups can be made at the location chosen at checkout. We are currently offering pickup at our Warehouse in Bridgeport, CT.

What is Local Flat Rate Delivery?
Connecticut customers have the option for bulk orders to be delivered by our warehouse team. If you selected this method at checkout, you will receive a phone call from one of our team members to schedule a delivery. We will do our best to accommodate your schedule and availability. 

How do I make my account tax exempt?
Begin by creating a customer account on our site. After your account is created, fill out a Cert 119 form and email a copy of the completed form AND your tax exempt document to You will receive an email confirming your account is marked as tax exempt.